Wednesday 8 July 2009

A summer eulogy

In a leaning barn
Charred hands grasp a brush
That sweeps the floor
Tinderbox days run together
Through swaying heat above the road
Sweep the floor
Dust across the sun

Betrayed leaves 
Rejected folios
Ink barely dry
They drop
Ally with the dust
Settle still again
Miles down a deadbeat track

Corn sways beyond the road
Armies tied fast
One with charcoal earth
Die in perfect unison
Chaffy memories join 
Dust and scattered leaves

In a leaning barn
Moist yeast foams
Sunk deep and dark
Effervescent thoughts sparkle awhile
Through heavy sediment
Silent are the vats
Settle still thick water
Settle still

Friday 28 March 2008


Dog snuffles out
Steaming shit

Back home enthroned
Important beanbag
Affairs of state arise
Children pull tail
Paws, ears dog
Teaches patience

Older members praise
Wisdom due her canine race
Find no conflict
In those lazy orbs
Brown eyes
Deep with
With something

To such praise she
Runs oblivious
Water off a duck
She scampers
Plays unwitting
Steaming shit


Three days unfound
Like treasure
Morbid treasure
Ashen faced officer
Finds no pleasure
Rank ordure
Catalyses age
Lines crows
Feet he grows
Youthfully old

We all fall
Romantic notions
Innocence, Grace
Cannot compare
Officer paces nervously
The eggshell head
Wetly corrupt
Impressionistic red
Porcelain sink reserves
Right to remain

Thursday 20 March 2008


This was a tease
Retrospect be damned
Down fragrant aisles
Heady velveteen
You drew me on

This thicket cuts
Yet no clue
Audience see black
Audience see black

To goad the theme
A little bird tells
Rabbits show disbelief that
Time lingers

Skull smashed by tyre
Carrion epitaph
Curtain softly falls

Half muffled bells
Awake from syrup
Peter-rabbit dream
Hold six beats

Scratched record
Rolls out dusty blues
Nervous applause

Burn silken
Drag deep loyal friends
For this is life

Dear God
Fetch me a coffee

Monday 17 March 2008

Ambition beware

He showed joy back then
When teeth are not yet long
Or even full fallen out
A gap-toothed grinning imp
Of flagrant possibility
Reality unbound
Eyes bright
A fire glints

Through academic rites
Nicotine stained passage
Pub snug conversation
Whiling till the birds pipe up
Such simple music
Unsatisfied yet
He signs his name 
By guttering flames

Savile Row clad
Emperors new wardrobe
Weaved of bursting pride
How soon a razor loses edge
The strop is strangely lost
A glowing ember
Wends smoky
Tendrils skyward

A grand house
Crammed with grander tat
Fust of Sunday-morning kipper
Providing antique audience
He battles broadsheets
Fights marmalade on toast
To sticky conclusions

At close of day
Reclined in leather solitude
A mantel clock marked time
He half remembers
Then forgets
At six his trembling hand
Spills the sherry

Gleaming priceless stone
Enwrought with golden type
Defies the verdant grass
His house still stands
Treasures gather dust
Pharoah lies entombed
And no-one comes

Monday 25 February 2008

For Grandpa

When young in shadowing years
Shocked fragments of stark broken toys
Had power to choke up stinging loss
Lent hot form in human tears
Cherubic youths accustomed not to truth
As oft erupt in bitter rage
Lifted faces creased as seeming justice
Snatches back unpromised gifts

Gazing on your deep lined face
Familiar sounds a haunting note
Fading in a minor key
To lull the twilight of your years
Though once the sandstone cloisters
Echoed out your purposed step
Beneath that furrowed, weary brow
There is a wilder, stranger music yet

Had I never felt your sagely look
And trusted unconditional your words
Lent gravitas beyond what scores
Of men could hope to wield
What I know of love would be
So ragged, incomplete
My debt is to a symphony
Dischordant yet recalled with joy

The toys of old are gone
Fast fades the poignant sting
Their loss once birthed in me
They seem as passing trifles now
Your final lesson I will remember ever
Oblivious though you were who taught
No man may enter that kingdom
Save as a little child

Children, never grow old

At last we find me
Deal not in pleasantries I
But gaze upon the void
You wetly mortal coil
Fallen boneful sack
Spoiled fat on promise
Creation offered
Judge me not who takes
Half-glimpsed delights are found
Up close to be but plywood sham
A groom lifts the veil
Finds an unknown haggard face
Redolent of someone
Something loved
Yet not
From arduous toil I half expected
Opening before such weary eyes
Vistas green and pleasant
To justify the trudge.
Even children know horizons are
Constant as birth and death
These children trick me with their truth
May they be seen not heard
Lest I
See and hear
Know I am less than this outward
Bluff colossus choked with rust
All that could have been
That could have been
Is dust
Among these silent groves
Tranquility of nothing
Mocks the bombast swell of pride
My flings with Eve and idle play
At fair Pandora’s side Paid meagre
Still I count the cost of wasted toil
Cuts borne from all this being
Seem as lead beside those radiant scars
I would have sold it all
To know it had a meaning
Caring not one iota what
It was